
Seminar on DPPM Student Research Grant Competency Results

In the event held on Friday, March 9 yesterday, the winners of the Research Grant of the Department of Management and Public Policy FISIPOL UGM presented their research results. The three winners of this year’s research grant are:

Eki Nia Fentika
Budi Sugandha
Agung Wicaksono

Guest Lecture and Writing Clinic University of Canberra

Guest Lecture and Writing Clinic, a collaboration between the Department of Management and Public Policy, the University of Canberra, and the WCU.
The presenters consisted of Prof. Mark Evans, Director of the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis, University of Canberra, and Prof. Riyana Miranti, Associate Professor of Economics, Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis. The series of events is held in the Dekanat Court Room for 2 days, which is December 16 to 17.

Public Lecture Role of Public Policy Analyst at Private Company

Documentation of the Public Lecture of the Department of Management and Public Policy, this time the theme is “The Role of Public Policy Analysts in Private Companies”.
This public lecture is presented by Mr. Leonardus Herwindo, who is Human Resource Manager at PT Tripatra Engineers and Construction. The lecture is held in the Seminar Room Library FISIPOL UGM, on December 2, 2016.

General Rapporteur IAPA International Conference 2016

Dalam rangka membangun masyarakat digital Indonesia yang memiliki berbagai potensi serta tantangan internal dan kompetisi daya saing di level global, menggerakkan IAPA (Indonesian Association for Public Administration) untuk menggelar konferensi internasional dengan tajuk Towards a Global and Digital Society: Exploring the Role of Public Administration Theory and Practicepada hari kamis dan jumat, tanggal 6 dan 7 Oktober 2016