Gallery Walk: Mahasiswa Semester 2 Kenalkan Inovasi Kebijakan Publik

Mahasiswa mata kuliah Introduction to Public Management yang diampu oleh Dr. Indri Dwi Apriliyanti di semester 2 Departemen Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik, menyelenggarakan acara bertajuk “Gallery Walk: Discovering Innovations At The Policy Nexus” pada pukul 09:00 di Selasar Barat FISIPOL UGM. Acara ini merupakan bagian dari tugas ujian akhir semester yang dipresentasikan secara publik melalui […]
Announcement of Essay and Interview Test IUP Intake 1

Invitation to Essay and Interview Test Intake 1 IUP Admission Test 2024: UP-Intake-I-TA-2024Download The above applicants are invited to join the essay and interview tests that will be held on Saturday, 2 March 2024. Please pay attention to the exam schedule. Good luck!
Invitation to Essay and Interview Tests IUP PPM Admission Process

Survei Kepuasan Mahasiswa Prodi S1