This is the official website of the Department of Public Policy and Management (PPM), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) Universitas Gadjah Mada. This page is part of our provision of information to the public, for the academic community on campus and for our partners everywhere.
The vision that we carry in academic activities at DMKP today is “Strengthening governance, realizing public welfare”. We are determined to produce human resources in professional public sector governance, with leadership, ability and high skills to use the latest knowledge and technology that is beneficial for the creation of social entrepreneurship (socio-preneurship) that is accountable and beneficial for the welfare of the people in general. As a pioneer in human resources in the public sector, DMKP has been developing knowledge for more than seven decades and will continue to uphold its commitment to improving the quality of science in Indonesia while contributing to the global level.
Transformasi keilmuan itu tercermin dari penamaan institusi, mulai dari Jurusan Usaha Negara (tahun 1949), Jurusan Administrasi Negara (tahun 1960) dan akhirnya menjadi Departemen Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (tahun 2010). Perubahan nama tersebut menunjukkan semangat untuk senantiasa melakukan pembaruan dan adaptasi terhadap kebutuhan nyata dalam masyarakat, namun diharapkan tidak mengubah reputasi sebagai institusi terdepan di Indonesia dalam pengembangan ilmu. Saat ini, DMKP tetap terakreditasi A dan memiliki Prodi (Program Studi) yang paling banyak dan beragam di lingkungan Fisipol UGM. Di Prodi sarjana S1, terdapat kelas reguler dan kelas IUP (International Undergraduate Program), dan di jenjang pasca-sarjana terdapat Prodi S2 dan S3 Keilmuan serta Prodi S2 dan S3 Terapan yang diselenggarakan oleh Magister Administrasi Publik (MAP). Pada tahun 2021 telah dirumuskan kurikulum terbaru DMKP yang memuat banyak inovasi akademik bagi para mahasiswa milenial serta mengakomodasi kebijakan MBKM (Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka) supaya seluruh mahasiswa dapat memperoleh manfaat optimal dari sistem pembelajaran terkini.
Program studi S1 MKP merupakan jurusan di bidang administrasi publik pertama di Indonesia yang telah memenuhi standar internasional ASEAN University Network (AUN) pada tahun 2017.
Sejak tahun 2015 telah diselenggarakan kelas IUP-PPM (International Undergraduate Program in Public Policy and Management).
Pada tahun yang sama, Magister Administrasi Publik mulai menyelenggarakan kelas Linkage, sebuah program S2 internasional melalui kemitraan dengan universitas luar-negeri bereputasi di bawah pendanaan dari program PHRD (Professional Human Resource Development) Bappenas.
Staf DMKP telah lama berkiprah di tingkat nasional hingga internasional dan menjadi rujukan di bidangnya. Saat ini DMKP diperkuat oleh 4 orang profesor aktif, 3 orang profesor penugasan, 11 doktor, 5 kandidat doktor dan 8 master lulusan perguruan tinggi ternama di luar dan dalam negeri. Pencapaian DMKP tentunya didukung oleh sumberdaya manusia yang handal dan komitmen pengembangan kurikulum untuk menjawab tuntutan perkembangan ilmu dan kebutuhan pasar kerja. DMKP sudah memiliki ribuan alumni yang tersebar di berbagai sektor, baik publik, privat hingga organisasi non-pemerintah (NGO). Relasi dengan alumni terus dikelola melalui tracer studies untuk pengembangan kurikulum, seminar pengembangan karier yang dipaparkan oleh alumni, diseminasi informasi peluang kerja serta temu alumni.
Inovasi kegiatan akademik pengajaran pada jenjang sarjana maupun pasca-sarjana dimungkinkan karena dukungan berbagai program riset, pelatihan dan pendampingan untuk sektor publik yang saat ini dikelola oleh unit riset DMKP yakni Poldev (Policy and Development) dan IGPA (Institute of Governance and Public Affairs). Publikasi ilmiah selain yang secara individual dilakukan oleh dosen dan staf pengajar melalui penerbitan buku dan monograf, juga diakomodasi melalui JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik).
DMKP mengundang khalayak untuk berkunjung secara virtual melalui laman web ini, media terbatas (Nawala) maupun sejumlah akun Media Sosial (Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Podcast, dll) yang telah dikembangkan secara integratif agar bisa mencermati kajian-kajian kami, merekatkan jaringan dan merintis kerjasama ilmiah yang produktif. Masa pandemi yang harus kita hadapi sejak tahun 2020 kiranya tidak akan menjadi kendala bagi komunikasi akademik. Para mahasiswa tetap dapat melengkapi informasi mengenai aktivitas staf pengajar melalui laman web maupun berbagai platform pengajaran (e-Lok, MSTeams, Google Classroom). Peluang-peluang untuk mendapatkan informasi beasiswa, mengikuti pembelajaran secara terbuka, serta memperoleh pengalaman baru dari berbagai forum akademik sangat terbuka melalui sistem pembelajaran terpadu (blended-learning) yang kami kembangkan di DMKP.
The Department of Management and Public Policy has a vision to become an internationally recognized educational institution and research institution in the field of management and public policy as a manifestation of a research university and good university governance by 2032.
Head of Department of Management and Public Policy
Secretary of Department of Management and Public Policy
Head of S1 Study Program & IUP Coordinator
Secretary of the Undergraduate Study Program (S1)
Head of the MKP Masters Study Program (S2)
Head of MAP Masters Study Program (S2)
Secretary of the MAP Masters Study Program (S2)
Head of the MKP Doctoral Study Program (S3)
Head of MAP Doctoral Study Program (S3)
Head of Research Center Institute for Policy Development (POLDEV)
Head of Department of Management and Public Policy
Department Secretary
Head of S1 Study Program & IUP Coordinator
Secretary of the Undergraduate Study Program (S1)
Head of the MKP Masters Study Program (S2)
Head of MAP Masters Study Program (S2)
Secretary of the MAP Masters Study Program (S2)
Head of the MKP Doctoral Study Program (S3)
Head of MAP Doctoral Study Program (S3)
Head of Research Center Institute for Policy Development (POLDEV)
The Department of Management and Public Policy (MKP) at the time of its birth was called the State Business Department, which was opened on September 9, 1957 as one of the departments at the Faculty of Socio-Politics, Gadjah Mada University. The implementation of higher education in the field of public administration in the early days received assistance from Dr. Garth N. Jones, an expert from the United States International Cooperation Administration (ICA) who supports the production of AN Science graduates. The Head of the Department at that time was Prof. Drs. Soempono Djojowadono who is a government scholar from the Faculty of HESP (Law, Economics and Socio-Politics) UGM.
In 1964, the name of the Department of State Enterprises was changed to the Department of State Administration (AN) with the mission of educating cadres in the executive branch of government to “organize the public interest, carry out public services (public service), fulfill public interest in the social sector (health, social welfare). , and others), in the economic field (agriculture, industry, trade, etc.), in the spiritual and cultural fields (religion, teaching-learning, arts, etc.) (Djojowadono, 1964).
The great interest in utilizing administrative science from a practical point of view prompted the establishment of the Administrative Development Center (BPA) located in Sekip. BPA organizes a lot of job training, research, consulting, publishing, and others, in the context of administrative development. Thus at that time the Department of State Administration (JIAN) served students who wanted to become state administration graduates, while BPA held activities that focused on administrative training. When the Directorate General of Higher Education requested that the BPA teaching staff be reunited with the Sospol Faculty, the BPA building was functioned as a Faculty Library and among the lecturers who were administrative science experts, they were then assigned to strengthen teaching in various Departments at the Sospol Faculty.
To strengthen the development of education at the post-graduate level, in 1982 the Department of AN opened a Masters Program in State Administration. In addition to producing master’s (S2) graduates who continue to work in the Department of State Administration, many academic staff in various State Administration study programs throughout Indonesia were studying at S2 AN at that time. The great interest of lecturers and researchers in the field of state administration at various universities also encouraged the opening of regular doctoral programs after JIAN had several doctoral graduates from the best universities abroad who became the reference for the development of state administration science.
Another breakthrough was the opening of the Master of Public Administration (MAP) program on February 28, 1993, which was intended to educate public officials at mid-career public officials in the building that was built next to the former BPA building. The idea was driven by Prof. Dr. Sofian Effendi, MPIA who later also became the rector of Gadjah Mada University. The great interest of officials at the central government level and at the local government level who were preparing the implementation of regional autonomy policies at that time made many students study in the MAP program which offered a master’s degree with an MPA (Master in Public Administration). Furthermore, in 1997 the opening of a doctoral program (S3) at MAP with the content of applied public administration was also carried out.
The name JIAN as one of the Departments at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM remains in use until the latest statute based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 221/DIKTI/Kep/1996 which is the basis for granting A accreditation in cognate disciplines. However, the name of the Department of State Administration in subsequent developments was felt to be no longer able to reflect the very diverse academic activities of the teaching staff as a consequence of the dynamics of the development of science. Therefore, in order for the scientific dynamics of the citizens of the Department of State Administration to be fully illustrated, the residents of the Department of State Administration agreed in 2010 to change the name of the Department, from previously named the Department of State Administration to the Department of Management and Public Policy (DMKP). Currently DMKP is strengthened by 23 staff, consisting of 6 professors, 5 doctors, and 15 masters.
The prospectus is a profile handbook about DMKP, it contains an overview of the vision, mission, programs, courses, admission, partner universities, research center, career prospects, facilities, and student life.