The year 2024 marks a historic milestone for the discipline of public administration in Asia. The Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA), the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA), the Asian Group of Public Administration (AGPA), and the Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA) together with the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform of Indonesia, National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), will be holding the first 2024 Joint Conference with the conference theme “Towards World Class Bureaucracy” on November 5−7, 2024, at the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The urgency of studying public administration and bureaucracy reform is evident in the context of national development. An efficient and effective public administration serves as the backbone of the public sector, ensuring that resources are optimized, reducing waste, and enhancing government performance in delivering services to the public. This is further emphasized in the United Nations Development Programme’s 2024 Regional Human Development Report, which highlights the importance of investing in public sector capacities and capabilities to remain competitive and innovative, especially in the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world we live in today.
The Joint Conference is designed as a collaborative platform to foster solutions for sustainable development, particularly for developing countries. It seeks to produce valuable outputs that will contribute to the evolution of public administration perspectives and provide alternative solutions for sustainable development. We hope that all parties involved will contribute to the success of this event, ensuring it runs smoothly and achieves its objectives.
The conference was attended by 1000+ participants from Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Germany, Hong Kong, SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam, and USA; 250+ paper presenters, 39 panel discussion sessions focusing on digitalization, AI, machine learning, innovation, leadership, PAs in a VUCA world, risk and crisis management, social inclusion, gender and development, public values, ethics, and lower-level bureaucracy; 25 keynote speakers, and 7 general discussion sessions from Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Costa Rica, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, and Timor Leste.

Day 0: 4 November 2024 (Pre Conference)
Public Administration Workshop:
Class A
- Dr. Media Wahyudi Askar: Data Dynamics, Excelling in Analysis with Stata
- Dr. Suripto: Exploring Nvivo
Class B
- Andi Ahmad Yani, S.Sos, M.Si, MPA, M.Sc.: AI for Academic Writing
- Alvi Syahrina, S.T., M.Sc: Big Data Analysis
Class C
- Dr. Muchtar Habibi: Ethnography in Policy Studies
- Anang Dwi Santoso, SAP., MPA: Narrative Policy Framework

Day 1: 5 November 2024
Opening Ceremonies:
- Prof. Dr. Agus Pramusinto (President of AAPA, University of Gadiah Mada)
- Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo (President of AGPA, University of Gadiah Mada
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien (President, National Academy of Public Administration, Viet Nam, Chair of the 69th EROPA Executive Council)
- Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro (Vice Rector for Education and Teaching, University of Gadiah Mada)
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto (Deputy Ministry for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability, and Supervision & Acting Minister Secretary, Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform)
- Prof. Dr. Pan Suk Kim (Professor Emeritus, Yonsei University)
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Drechsler (Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology)
- Prof. Dr. Raed BenShams (President, International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS))
Keynote Speeches:
- Outcome-Oriented and Digitally Integrated Public Sector
- Adaptation to Global Challenges
- High-Capacity, Values-Driven Bureaucracy
- Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Conference Plenary I
Theme: Innovation and Leadership,
Moderator: Ms. Nerissa Canguilan (Assistant Commissioner, Civil Service Commission (Philippines),
- Prof. Dr. Akira Nakamura (Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Meiji University)
- Prof. Janine O’Flynn (Director, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University)
- Mr. Agostinho Letencio de Deus (President, Civil Service Commission (East Timor))
Keynote speeches:
- Leadership and Innovation for Public Sector Excellence
- Digitalization and Inclusivity in Public Administration
- Human-Centered and Relational Approach to Governance
- Empowering Female Leaders and Diverse Perspectives
Conference Plenary II
Tema: Digital Transformation In Public Administration,
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Alexander Kotchegura (RANEPA Vice President, AAPA),
- Dr. Sofiane Sahraoui (Director General, International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS))
- Prof. Hirofumi Takada (Vice-President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
- Dr. Vincent Wong (EROPA Resolutions Committee)
- Prof. Jiannan Wu (former AAPA President)
Keynote speeches:
- Digitalization and Public-Private Collaboration
- Breaking Down Silos for Effective Governance
- Vocational Education and Problem-Based Solutions
- Principles of Effective Governance for Sustainable Development

Conference Plenary III
Tema: Research Directions Towards World Class Bureaucracy,
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Masao Kikuchi (Meiji University, Board of Directors, Asian Association for Public Administration, Chair, EROPA Future Plans and Programs Committee),
- Dr. Ario Wicaksono (Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy and Management, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada)
- Dr. Reginald Ugaddan (Director, Center for Local and Regional Governance, National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines)
- Dr. Alexander Lopez (Director for International Affairs. Latin American Center for Development Administration)
- Dr. Bok Gyo Jeong (Professor, Kean University Chair, US Chapter, Asian Association for Public Administration)
- Mr. Kenneth Sim (Managing Director, Chandler Institute of Governance)
Keynote speeches:
- Unified National / Organizational Culture and Governance
- Methodological Diversity and Interdisciplinary Research
- Social Equity and Global Challenges beyond National Boundaries
- Role of Social Enterprises and Third-Sector Engagement
- Ethics, Capabilities, Trust, and Governance Gaps

Panel Presentation Day 1 (at FISIPOL UGM)

Day 2: 6 November 2024
Local Government Forum
Moderator: Dr. Akhmad Amirudin
Plenary Speakers:
- Cahyono Tri Birowo (Deputy Assistant for Digital Government)
- Dr. Yogi Suwarno (National Institute of Public Administration)
- Prof.Dr. M.R. KhairulMuluk (Chief Commissioner SmartID, Head LAMPSPAK, Vice Chairperson for Academic Affairs and Accreditation IAPA)
Keynote speeches:
- Local Governance Capacity
- Digital Governance and Alignment to National Goals
- Bureaucracy Modernization
- Balance between Decentralization and Recentralization vis-a-vis VUCA challenges
- Inter-local governments’ collaboration
- Incorporating AI for public policy and administrative processes
Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Theory VS Practices
Moderator: Dr. Asti Amelia Novita
Plenary Speakers:
- Dr. Teguh Setyabudi M.Pd (Acting Governor of Jakarta)
- Dr. Irvan Bastian Arief (VP of Engineering & AI,
- Dr. Wawan Mas’udi M.P.A. (Dean, Department of Politics and Government, UGM)
Keynote speeches:
- Jakarta’s Aspirations to be a Global City
- Digital Tools for Public Policy and Development Planning
- Deliberative Democracy
- Multi-sectoral Dialogues for Policy Development
Innovation Towards World Class Bureaucracy:
Emerging Issues for Emerging Companies
Plenary Speakers:
- Dr. Kristoffer Berse (Dean, National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines, Deputy Secretary General for Research and Publications, EROPA)
- Dr. Woothisarn Tanchai (, COLA Advisory Board, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University (Thailand))
- Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Kumorotomo (Professor, Department of Management and Public Policy, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM)
- Dr. Sirisak Laochankham (Assistant Professor in Public Administration and Dean of the College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
Keynote speeches:
- Resilience and Adaptability in Bureaucracy
- Data-Driven and Transparent Governance
- Addressing Polycrises through Social Capital and Local Development
- Reimagining Bureaucracy for Emerging Economies
- Agile and Collaborative Governance

Panel Presentation Day 2 (at FISIPOL UGM)

Winner of Video Competition:
- Siti Lintang Saputri (Prodi Administrasi Publik, Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta)
- Gagas Bahrulilmi (Administrasi Publik, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung)
- Ranti Febrianti (Administrasi Publik, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung)
Winner of Student Writing Competition:
- Gagas Bahrulilmi, Muhammad Riza Awaluddin, Fizhilalil Qur’an (Administrasi Publik, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung): Integration of Local Wisdom in Disaster Mitigation Strategies in Indonesia
- Arivo Adjivantara (Universitas Andalas): Learning from Woman Camat Leadership: Transformational Style and Process Innovation as Drivers to Drivers to Agile Local Bureaucracy
- Leni, Jhanny Sabatina Frinitasari, Winda Safitri (Universitas Lambung Mangkurat): Building Public Trust in Digital Transformation: A Study of Police Bureaucracy Through Si Cangkal
Best Paper:
- Yosuka Sunahara (Kobe University): Seeking for Legitimacy: Local councils and Soft Referendums in Japanese Local Governance
- Riamona Sadelman Tulis (Universitas Gadjah Mada): Integrating Local Wisdom in Food Estate Programs: A Case Study of Social Justice for Sustainability in Central Kalimantan
- Errol Navaro Dela Cruz (Internasional Assessments and Internasional Affairs, Department of National Defense, Philippine): Hybridity in Mindanao Conflict and Peace Efforts: A Case Study of the Intergroup Tensions and Peacebuilding Efforts in Mindanao Using thePost-Liberal Hybrid Peace Framework
Best Conference Paper:
- Dr. Momer Suringa (Civil Service Comission, Philipines)
- Dr. Marie Rosenberg, Ms. Altangerel Radnaabazar, Dr. Surenchimeg Dulamsuren, Dr. Otgontuya Langan, Ms. Byambasuren Punsantsogboo

Day 3: 7 November 2024 (Yogyakarta Learning Visit)
The conclusion of the 2024 Joint Conference confirmed the strong commitment of stakeholders in the field of public administration to strengthen international collaboration and find innovative solutions that can improve bureaucratic performance towards world-class. The success of this event is expected to be the first step in strengthening global synergies, building resilient public sector capacity, and supporting inclusive sustainable development amid the challenges of a VUCA world.