Audit Mutu Internal DPPM UGM

Audit Mutu Internal, or AMI, is one of the stages of activities in a cycle of the Internal Quality Assurance System that is routinely carried out by the Office of Quality Assurance of Gadjah Mada University. To various faculties and departments within the University. This activity aims to: Knowing the suitability or non-conformity with the […]
About IUP in PPM with Putri and Lydia

Enrollment IUP in PPM tahun 2019 telah resmi dibuka! Tapi pasti banyak yang nggak tahu nih apa sih IUP in PPM itu? kuliahnya gimana? Waktu ikutan program exposure ngapain aja? dan lain sebagainya. Nah, di video kali ini, dua alumni pertama program IUP in PPM, Made Putri Wiyantari, dan Lydia Kumara bakal ngebedah tuntas pengalaman […]