Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor’s Programs Period III Academic Year 2023/2024 – May 2024

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Universitas Gadjah Mada graduated 1,423 Bachelor’s Program students on May 22, 2024, including 134 graduates from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, with 24 of them from the Department of Management and Public Policy (DMKP).

“You who are graduating today are among the privileged few to earn a bachelor’s degree from one of the best universities and the most outstanding faculty at UGM,” said Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., M.P.A., Ph.D., Dean of FISIPOL UGM, during his welcome speech at the graduation ceremony held at FISIPOL UGM on Wednesday (22/5).

The highest GPA among MKP graduates this time was achieved by Alifian Arrazi with a GPA of 3.91. Congratulations to the graduates of the Department of Management and Public Policy who have completed the series of graduation events for the Bachelor’s Program Period III Academic Year 2023/2024. May the knowledge you have gained be a useful provision.

Congratulation to:

  1. Adna Tabriza Zahratama, S.I.P
  2. Alifian Arrazi, S.I.P
  3. Bagus Hikmawan, S.I.P
  4. Bravenda Okta Ascarintya, S.I.P
  5. Bunda Asmara, S.I.P
  6. Daffa Raditya Supriadi, S.I.P
  7. Deodatus Wicaksono Boro Balawala, S.I.P
  8. Devara Dyah Permata Mulyana, S.I.P
  9. Eiben Heizier Dwi Cahyo Kristiaji, S.I.P
  10. Fanni Sephia Maheswari, S.I.P
  11. Fira Nursaifah Marsaoly, S.I.P
  12. Ksatria Okta Perdana, S.I.P
  13. Made Naraya Laksmayuda Sumaniaka, S.I.P
  14. Muhammad Farhan Ghazi, S.I.P
  15. Muhammad Noor Rayhan Adriansyah, S.I.P
  16. Muhammad Ryandra Ghifari, S.I.P
  17. Nuraini Indra Putri Nugraheni, S.I.P
  18. Phoebe Bening Esther Michelle Siahaan, S.I.P

writer: Fakhrih
Photo: Fakhrih, Fauzi, Fanani

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