Burning coal in a cleaner way: Institutional fragmentation, power dynamics, and business influence in Indonesia’s biomass co-firing imaginaries

Author Indri Dwi Apriliyanti, Diwangkara Bagus Nugraha Abstract Energy transitions worldwide often encounter challenges stemming from the continued reliance on fossil fuel systems. Indonesia aims to sustain its coal-fired power plants by adopting biomass co-firing technology, presenting it as a strategy to increase renewable energy’s share in the energy mix. This study employs the sociotechnical imaginaries (STIs) framework […]

To reform or not reform? Competing energy transition perspectives on Indonesia’s monopoly electricity supplier Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN)

Publication Type Journal Energy Research & Social Science Author Indri Dwi Apriliyanti, Diwangkara Bagus Nugraha, Stein Kristiansen, Indra Overland Abstract This paper maps the opposing rationales for reforming or not reforming the giant monopoly electricity provider in the world’s fourth most populous country. Indonesia’s state-owned power company, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), distributes electricity to 98 % of the country’s households. Only 13 % of […]