Flinders University Partnership Discussion
Wednesday, February 19, the Department of Management and Public Policy and the Master of Public…
Wednesday, February 19, the Department of Management and Public Policy and the Master of Public…
The 2nd Joint Public Policy Workshop entitled “Public Sector Reform: the Current State of Play,…
The year 2024 marks a historic milestone for the discipline of public administration in Asia.…
The Department of Public Policy And Management (DPPM) at the Faculty of Social and Political…
Student candidates for 4th intake who pass the administration will be called for an interview…
The student workload survey conducted by the Master of Management and Public Policy Program at…
Author Muchtar Habibi Abstract Many recent studies on Indonesia have underlined the importance of corporate…
Author Indri Dwi Apriliyanti, Diwangkara Bagus Nugraha Abstract Energy transitions worldwide often encounter challenges stemming from the continued…
Author Erda Rindrasih, Ratminto, Kurnia Cahyaningrum Effendi, Dian Silviani Abstract Tourism plays a crucial role in the economic growth of many…
Since 2010, Indonesia has experienced a demographic bonus period. This condition is both an opportunity…