Overview Undergraduate Program PPM

The Bachelor of Public Policy and Management (PPM) program aims to prepare students to develop the skills and abilities needed to address the challenges faced by public policy makers and managers. Through this program, students will be given the opportunity to explore the theoretical and empirical issues faced by actors in the public and private sectors.

Model 2 - MKP08208 - C



Undergraduate Program in Public Policy and Management and (PPM/MKP) UGM is a pioneer of educational institutions in the field of public administration in Indonesia. PPM UGM offers a number of educational programs that aim to produce quality graduates who have theoretical and practical competencies not only in the field of public administration, but also public policy analysis and public management activities. PPM has a vision to become an internationally recognized educational and research institution in the field of public policy and management. Under the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences guided by the vision of “Committed to Science for Better Society“, PPM is determined to organize undergraduate education for “Strengthening Democratic Public Governance“. The graduates of the MKP undergraduate study program have the title of Bachelor of Political Science (S.I.P).

The PPM Undergraduate Program has several expected outcomes such as understanding the concept of academic integrity in general and the concept of plagiarism in particular, gaining knowledge to manage public and non-public organizations, understanding the concept of building networks across government, private, and social institutions, understanding the characteristics of actors in building networks, and understanding the concept of public interest values in public and non-public organizations. The PPM Regular program has developed many courses that are intended to equip students with intermediate level knowledge and skills.


There are 4 registration options that can be followed by prospective students Study Program of PPM UGM (Regular):

  1. National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP)
  2. National Selection Based on Test (SNBT)
  3. UGM Independent Examination for the Search for Excellent Seeds (UM UGM PBU)
  4. Independent Examination UGM Computer Based Test (UM UGM CBT)
  5. Fees | UKT

Registration Schedule click here

MKP08307 (kanan)



The International Undergraduate Program in the Department of Public Policy and Management Program (DPPM), or commonly abbreviated as IUP-PPM, is an international version of our undergraduate program. This program is aimed to create globally minded and internationally qualified students. The courses in this program will be delivered in English by competent professors with strong academic backgrounds. Furthermore, IUP-PPM facilitates and provides opportunities for each of its students to experience international exposure through various means and interact with international students in Universitas Gadjah Mada.

IUP PPM is the first public policy management program in Indonesia that has been accredited by AUN (ASEAN University Network) at Program Level under the umbrella of ASEAN-QA. It reaffirms the quality of education we are providing, not only in Indonesia but also in ASEAN standards. The program is purposefully designed to respond to new challenges on public administration in local and national, as well as global level, and aims at arming students with knowledge and skills in three main areas, namely Governance and Public Policy, Public Management and Innovation, and International Development and Policy.

Whats the difference of

Regular and International programs?

IUP in PPM offers student opportunities to experience international exposure through one of the following tracks:

  1. Study Abroad Program (one to two semesters in partner university)
  2. Student exchange or credit transfer (one to two semesters in partner university)

In addition:

  1. Internship (three to six months in Indonesia-based international organizations, embassies, internationally-linked government bodies, donor institutions, international NGOs,  or multinational corporations)
  2. International executive training or short course program in (one week up to three months in foreign countries)

The admission to IUP is separated from regular programs admission (SNBP/SNBT and UM UGM), the complete information about IUP admission can be accessed through the admission section tab.

UGM aims to provide greater opportunities for those interested in studying at its undergraduate programs. Therefore, in the 2024 admission, any applicant accepted and proceeded with their registration at an IUP cannot be accepted in regular program in UGM through SNBP or any of the other pathways (UM UGM PBU and/or UM UGM CBT).


3rd Intake will close in:


3rd Intake will starts in:

<p>3rd Intake IUP is now open, June 19 – July 11, 2024</p>

Update January 2024:

Admission Timeline

*Last Update: June 24, 2024
Application Period
INTAKE  1RegistrationJanuary 23 – February 21, 2024
Admission Test (Offline)February 29 – March 3, 2024
AnnouncementMarch 6, 2024
Registration and Tuition PaymentMarch 7-18 2024
INTAKE 2RegistrationApril 3 – May 6, 2024
Admission Test (Online)May 14 – 17, 2024
AnnouncementMay 22, 2024
Registration and Tuition PaymentMay 28 – Juni 5, 2024
INTAKE 3RegistrationJune 19 – July 11, 2024
Admission Test (Offline)July 16 – 20, 2024
AnnouncementJuly 23, 2024
Registration (Upload Document)July 23-24,  2024
Tuition PaymentJuly 24-26,  2024

Admission Requirements

  1. Graduates of 2024, 2023, and 2022 from senior high school or equivalent with good academic records.
  2. Good academic capability, as indicated by the score of Gadjah Mada Scholastic Test (GMST) (min 500).
  3. Good proficiency in English, as indicated by score of English Certificate, as follows:
    1. Academic English Proficiency Test (AcEPT) UGM (min. 268)
    2. TOEFL ITP (min. 500)
    3. TOEFL iBT (min. 61)
    4. IELTS (min. 6.0)
  4. There are two options regarding an English Certificate, applicant can choose one of the options: 
    1. Submit TOEFL ITP/ TOEFL iBT/ IELTS Certificate during the application period
    2. Take AcEPT test held by UGM during the Day 1 Test
  5. Pass interview test.

Admission Test

The registered applicants will undertake academic verification test held by UGM as follows:

Day 1 :
1. Gadjah Mada Scholastic Test (GMST)
2. Academic English Proficiency Test (AcEPT) UGM (if applicant could not submit any English Certificate during the application period)

Day 2 :
(For those who pass GMST and AcEPT/TOEFL ITP/TOEFL IBT/IELTS)
a) Essay Writing
b) Interview

Tuition Fee

   Rp. 25.000.000,-/Semester (Indonesian Students)
   Rp. 35.000.000,-/Semester (Non-Indonesian Students)


  1. Sign up for an application account HERE
  2. Complete the online application form and upload the following documents (Minimum 150 KB and maximum 200 KB).
For applicants who graduated in 2022 & 2023
For applicants who will Graduated in 2024
Colored photograph with white background.Photograph with white background..JPG
High school graduation certificate or SAT/A-Level/ International Baccalaureate or equivalent certificate.High school academic report from grade 10 to 11 and the first semester of grade 12..PDF
High school academic report from grade 10 to 12.ID (SIM/KTP/Passport/Student card)
National examination final score transcript (SKHUN).A valid certificate of English proficiency (Please refer to the Admission Requirements number 4)
ID (SIM/KTP/Passport/Student card).Statement of Document Authenticity: Download here.
A valid certificate of English proficiency (Please refer to the Requirements Eligibilities number 4) 
Statement of Document Authenticity: (Download here). 
    1. Pay non-refundable application fee: Rp 1.500.000 HERE
    2. Print application form. If you encounter any problem printing the application, please feel free to contact un at +62274 551222, 6491919 or email the payment receipts and all required documents to
    3. Admission Card can be printed on the day as mentioned in your application account (step 7)

Contact Us for More Information

WhatsApp : +62 813 2511 5665
Email   :

Download Leaflet


The DPPM curriculum is semi-packaged, where each student needs to complete 151 credits in a maximum period of 5 years or 10 semesters. In semester 1 to semester 4 students will take courses that have been packaged.

Program Regular

In semester 5, Regular Program students have to take a package of compulsory courses, then will start to take elective courses in semester 6. Compulsory and elective courses can be converted from participating in the Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus Program (MBKM) which contains 4 arenas, Student Exchange (with DPPM or IISMA Partners), Internships, Research, and Entrepreneurship.

Program International

In semester 5, International Program (IUP) students conduct an International Exposure Program (IEP) to partner universities, then take a package of compulsory courses in semester 6. Compulsory courses can be converted from participating in the Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus Program (MBKM) which contains 3 arenas, Internships, Research, and Entrepreneurship.

Notes: For courses *Seminar Research Plan (SRP) cannot be converted from MBKM, because SRP is a course designed to prepare for the thesis so that students can graduate on time.

Semester 1


Program RegularProgram International



PPSMBCampus Orientation



Pendidikan PancasilaCitizenship



Penulisan AkademikAcademic Writing



Ilmu Sosial DasarBasics of Social Science



Sejarah Sosial dan Politik IndonesiaIndonesian Social and Political History



Sistem Sosial dan Politik IndonesiaIndonesian Social and Political System



Pengantar Ilmu PolitikIntroduction to Political Science



Dasar-dasar Hukum untuk Administrasi PublikLegal Foundation for Public Administration



Dasar-dasar Ilmu Administrasi PublikBasics of Public Administration


Total Credits


Semester 2


Program RegularProgram International



Metodologi Penelitian SosialMethods for Social Research



Pengantar Manajemen PublikIntroduction to Public Management



Pengantar Kebijakan PublikIntroduction to Public Policy



Teori OrganisasiTheories of Organization



Manajemen Sumber Daya ManusiaPublic Sector Economics



KewarganegaraanPancasila: National Ideology



Pendidikan AgamaReligious Studies


Total Credits23
Semester 3


Program RegularProgram International


1Metode Penelitian KualitatifQualitative Research4
2Perilaku Administrasi PublikPublic Sector Governance4
3Ekonomi Sektor PublikPolitical Economy of Development4
4Formulasi Kebijakan PublikPublic Policy Formulation4
5Kepemimpinan Sektor PublikLeadership in Public Sector4
6Tatakelola Sektor PublikHuman Resource Management4
Total Credits24
Semester 4


Program RegularProgram International


1Metode Penelitian KuantitatifQuantitative Research4
2Advokasi dan Manajemen Konflik KebijakanPolicy Advocacy and Conflict Management4
3Implementasi Kebijakan PublikPolicy Implementation4
4Penganggaran Sektor PublikPublic Sector Budgeting4
5Inovasi Sektor PublikPublic Sector Innovation4
6Ekonomi Politik PembangunanPublic Administration Behaviour4
Total Credits 24
Semester 5
NoProgram RegularCreditProgram InternationalCredit
 1Evaluasi Kebijakan Publik4International Exposure Program 20
2Teknik Pengambilan Keputusan4*Research Design Seminar4
3Etika dan Akuntabilitas Publik4  
4Tatakelola Digital4  
5Kebijakan Publik Global4  
6*Seminar Rencana Penelitian4  
 Atau MBKM   
Total Credits24Total Credits24
Semester 6
NoProgram RegularCreditProgram InternationalCredit
 1KKN8Policy Evaluation4
2MK Pilihan4Decision Making Techniques4
3MK Pilihan4Public Sector Ethics and Accountability4
4MK Pilihan4Digital Governance4
5MK Pilihan4Global Public Policy4
6Atau MBKM  Atau MBKM 
Total Credits24Total Credits20
Semester 7/8


Program RegularProgram International


1SkripsiUndergraduate Thesis6
2Mengulang/ MK Pilihan/ MBKMRemedial/ MBKM 
Total Credits6-24
Community Service Program (KKN)
Academic Requirements
  1. Registered as an active student
  2. KKN courses are mandatory for Diploma 4, S1, and professional students at Gadjah Mada University with a weight of 8 credits in a minimum of 2 months or the equivalent of 288 hours of work in the effective field.
  3. Have taken a minimum of 96 credits of lectures and practicum and no E grades (according to the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada)
  4. Registered as KKN-PPM participants in the faculty as evidenced by KRS in the semester when KKN-PPM is carried out.
  5. Following up on the Circular Letter of the Vice Chancellor for Education and Teaching, and Student Affairs Number 3889/UN1.P.I/DIR-PP/DI/2020 concerning Simaster SIA Data Filling, we hereby convey information on changes to the KRS system for UGM KKN-PPM activities, as follows:
    • KKN for period 1 is recorded in the even semester KRS
    • KKN for period 2 is recorded in the KRS between semesters
    • Service-learning for period 3 is recorded in the odd semester KRS
    • KKN for period 4 is recorded in the even semester KRS
  6. Not currently taking courses and practicum
  7. For female students, not pregnant
  8. Verification of the list of prospective KKN-PPM participants is carried out by the faculty to DPkM through the faculty admin simaster.
  9. KKN-PPM activities are recognized for 8 credits, with the following details:
    • UNU222001 KKN-PPM 4 credits
    • UNU222002 Community Communication 2 credits
    • UNU222003 Application of Appropriate Technology 2 credits for students in the agro science and technology cluster, or UNU222004 Application of Knowledge Management 2 credits for students in the social humanities and health cluster.


Administrative Requirements

  1. Verification of the academic and administrative requirements of prospective KKN-PPM participants is carried out by the academic department of the faculty.
  2. Verified as KKN-PPM participants by the Faculty Admin
  3. Student candidates for KKN-PPM participants must attend debriefing, general tests, and KKN-PPM health tests according to the specified schedule.
  4. KKN-PPM participants are participants who have registered at and attended KKN debriefing in full, have carried out the General Test, and passed the health test.

Further information can be found on the KKN UGM website

Elective Course




1Isu dan Kebijakan Desentralisasi4
2Tatakelola CSR4
3Kebijakan dan Tatakelola Pariwisata 4
4Ekonomi Informal, UMKM, dan Pembangunan4
5Manajemen Bencana4
6Komunitas ASEAN dan Sektor Publik4
7Manajemen Risiko Sektor Publik4
8Manajemen Aset4
9Manajemen Perubahan Sektor Publik4
10Pembangunan Kelembagaan4
11Gender dan Kebijakan Publik4
12Korupsi dan Anti Korupsi4
13Pemasaran Sektor Publik4
14Kewirausahaan Sosial4
15Komunikasi Kebijakan4

Competencies and Career


advanced divider


Management and Public Policy

Student Family

GAMAPI (Management and Public Policy Student Family) is a student association organization at DMKP which consists of MKP undergraduate study program students. GAMAPI is a forum for students who want to develop their interests and talents through organizations that are accommodated in several divisions including, Human Resource (PSDM) which manages the development and supervision of human resources; Public Relations Division which builds relationships with various parties such as visiting the DPR; Media and Publication Division which focuses on creating and disseminating creative content and managing social media; Scientific Division which holds discussion activities and makes written studies related to management and public policy issues. In addition, there is a Community Social Division that runs social activities such as turtle release, beach cleaning, teaching elementary school children, and village visits; Creative Economy Division which is a facilitator in channeling interests and aspirations in the field of entrepreneurship and financial management; Student Development and Empowerment Division which facilitates the improvement of members’ abilities through various workshops in accordance with student interests and manages activities that improve internal relations among DMKP students; Student Affairs Division which functions to carry out student advocacy in the form of networking aspirations, finding solutions, and assisting student problems within the scope of DMKP, as well as providing career information, scholarships, and internships. More complete information and the latest activities can be seen on the GAMAPI page.


It is Gamapi’s annual magazine, which contains the works of MKP students and a collection of highlights of Gamapi events during the year.

Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus

What is MBKM?
  • MBKM is Freedom to Learn Independent Campus.
  • Innovative learning tools to develop the capacity, creativity and personality of students.
  • MBKM activities are expected to encourage students to become agile learners and solutions to the need for post-campus links and matches.
  • Focus on the student centered learning model.
  • Students are expected to be independent in making study plans, knowing their interests and looking for places for MBKM activities (outside the partners provided by the Fisipol work unit: CDC, UP3M, CHUB).
MBKM goals
  • Support the provision of learning rights facilities outside the study program as stated in Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 Article 15.
  • Supporting the development of knowledge based on experiential based learning for students.
  • Produce graduates who are adaptive to the dynamics of the world of work accompanied by good soft skills and hard skills according to the needs of the times.
  • Build a knowledge ecosystem that can connect DPPM as an educational institution with partners, industry, communities.
Requirements for joining MBKM DPPM
  • Active students S1 semester 5 to semester 7.
  • Have taken courses at least 96 credits.
MBKM DPPM timeline






MBKM Registration:


Mei – Juli




Maret – April


April – Mei


MBKM Selection:


Mei – Juli


April – Mei




MBKM Announcement:


Mei – Juli






MBKM Registration

Juli – Awal Agustus


Implementation of MBKM

September – Januari


Result reporting / Value conversion

Januari – Februari



MBKM Registration:


November – Desember 



Social Entrepreneurship



MBKM Selection: Internship

November – Desember 


MBKM Announcement: Internship

November – Desember 


MBKM Registration

Januari – Awal Februari


Implementation of MBKM

Februari – Juni


Result reporting / Value conversion

Juni – Juli


MBKM Guidance Document

1. Internship

  • Internships are practical activities as a means of developing competence and skills to equip students before entering the world of work. The initiation of internship activities by the DPPM S1 Study Program is based on the needs of students in applying the knowledge learned in the lecture process in semesters 1 to 4.
  • Internship duration: Students do an internship with the provision of 3 credits or 5 hours/week (minimum one month) 135 hours = 3 credits.
  • Internship outputs: Internship reports, thesis work, journal articles.

DPPM Internship Guide: Booklet Magang-1.pdf


2. Research

  • The research arena is developed to accommodate students who have an interest in doing research, want a career as researchers or academics. The research arena is managed to provide space for students to have skills and experience and to provide an adequate environment for conducting research activities.
  • Additional terms:
    1. Take a research method class or a Research Plan Seminar (SRP) specifically for the choice of thesis output;
    2. Participate in the offered lecturer research cluster (one part of the SRP); or
    3. Winning the Student Creativity Program (PKM)
  • Research outputs: Research reports, monographs, book chapters (national and international), journal articles (national and international), thesis works.

DPPM research guide: Booklet Riset.pdf


3. Student Exchange

  • Student exchange arena is the implementation of learning activities outside of courses organized by the S1 Study Program to support Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) which are contained in the study program curriculum structure and curriculum development. The scope of student exchange can be carried out at the level:
    1. Between study programs at FISIPOL and UGM (Cross Departments).
    2. Domestic universities (Independent Student Exchange).
    3. International universities (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) or International Exposure for IUP PPM students).
  • Student exchange output: credit transfer for one semester.

DPPM student exchange guide: Booklet Pertukaran Mahasiswa-1.pdf


4. Social Entrepreneurship

  • The arena of social entrepreneurship discourse will be implemented in the form of a social business incubation program which is expected to be a forum for students to develop social innovation through a social entrepreneurship approach and the use of technopreneurs.
  • General provisions:
    1. Take the MK Sociopreneurship in semester 6 a total of 3 credits
    2. Participate in a series of social entrepreneurship classes from CHUB
    3. Conducting consultations with social business project mentors
  • Social entrepreneurship output: create a social business idea report and submit it to the Career Development Advisor (CDA) DMKP.

DPPM social entrepreneurship guide: Booklet Kewirausahaan Sosial-1.pdf

Contact Us

Email: (Subject email: Consultation_Student Name)

Internal Internship

What is internal internship?

The Undergraduate Program of the Department of Public Policy and Management facilitates its active undergraduate students to develop interests and talents, academic and non-academic alike, through an internal internship. This internship program provides opportunities for students to interact directly with the lecturers, researchers, teaching staff, and other students across different batches. In addition, these programs are designed to enable students to build communication and develop networking with the alumni of DPPM and FISIPOL UGM.

Undergraduate students undertake three main programs during this internal internship:

Research, Media content, and Managerial tasks.

Research Program

In the research program, student interns are encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills, analyze current issues, and evaluate the urgency of an issue. Students are allowed to pick their topic and research outputs based on the mutual agreement within their teams.

Media Content Program

The media content program teaches students to develop ideas and think creatively, manage relationships and cooperation with numerous parties, and learn basic copywriting skills. The main outputs of the media content program include #gettoknow Alumni, #gettoknow Dosen, #gettoknow Mata Kuliah, and other types of content.

Managerial Program

Finally, the managerial program is a joint program between the Undergraduate Program and the Learning Development Team of the Department of Public Policy and Management. Student interns are involved in managing and assisting the hybrid learning processes of the Undergraduate Program.

Internship Period:

The internal internship of the undergraduate program is open twice a year at the beginning of each semester (January and June). The length of the internship is one to three months on the basis of the mutual agreement between students and the internship supervisors.

Graduation Requirement Activity

Minimum score to be achieved



and new










Supporting Documents

Document forms for applicable activity reporting:
1. Latest CV containing the proposed activity
2. Valid certificate of activity
3. Photo evidence or other supporting documents deemed necessary, such as: activity posters, proceeding papers, soft copies or DOIs of published articles.

If students cannot show the certificate due to certain reasons, they can report to the respective Study Program Admin.
S1 Regular: +628157950986 (Mbak Yuli)
S1 IUP: +6281325115665 (Mbak Iik)


International Undergraduate Program in Public Policy and Management UGM

According to the mandate of Curriculum 2022, an international exposure program is compulsory for students taking the International Undergraduate Program (IUP). Students must complete some credits from international partner universities for one semester into two semesters with several schemes, as following:


Student Exchange

One semester up to one-year study in a partner university, with credits transferable. The tuition fee is waived. More detailed information regarding the steps of nomination is provided in the SOP Student Exchange.pdf

Students are allowed to apply to the student exchange program through university cooperation (OIA). For more detailed information related to the partner universities, please kindly check: Data Kerja Sama UGM Aktif.xlsx (MoA SEA Sheet)

1Document submission for int. exposureMid December – Mid January
2Internal Selection Interview IEEarly February
3Interview Result AnnouncementMid-February





Start of nomination IE Fall SemesterFebruary – March
Application Period IE Fall SemesterMarch – May
Fall Semester DepartureAugust / September
Grade Conversion Period Fall SemesterJanuary – February





Start of nomination IE Spring SemesterAugust – October
Application Period IE Spring SemesterAugust – October
Spring Semester DepartureDecember / January
Grade Conversion Period Spring SemesterJuly – August


advanced divider


advanced divider


Gadjah Mada University

Accredited as Excellent by BAN-PT until December, 28 2025.

Undergraduate Program (S1)

Accredited A by BAN-PT until September, 20 2025.


Master Program (S2)

Accredited A by BAN-PT until March, 13 2026.


Doctoral Program (S3)

Accredited A by BAN-PT until November 8, 2025.
