Odd Semester 2023/2024 Master Student Workload Survey Results

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The student workload survey conducted by the Master of Management and Public Policy Program at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) reveals interesting results regarding students’ perceptions of their study load during the odd semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. This report is part of the FIBAA accreditation requirements and aims to evaluate the alignment between the students’ perceived workload and the study load determined by academic regulations.

The survey includes students from several cohorts: the 2023 Even semester, the 2023 Odd semester, and the 2022 Even semester. Each student was asked to answer questions about the time they spent on classroom learning activities, structured assignments, and independent study. The questions included: how much time was spent on classroom lectures, time spent completing assignments, and time spent on independent study.

The survey results indicate that overall, the perceived study load by students aligns with the Semester Credit Units (SKS) stipulated. For example, for the course “Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Policy,” which has a 3 SKS load, the time allocation for classroom activities, assignments, and independent study all reached 170 minutes per week, in accordance with existing regulations.

The implementation of the new curriculum for the 2023 cohort also went well. This new curriculum changes the credit and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) numbers for compulsory courses. Despite the changes in the curriculum, the survey indicates that these changes did not significantly increase the students’ study load. Students reported that the amount of time they spent on learning activities remained consistent with the old curriculum.

For instance, in the “Publicness” course, which has a 4 SKS load, the time allocation for classroom activities, assignments, and independent study is 174 minutes per week. These results show alignment with existing academic regulations. Similarly, for the “Qualitative Methods” and “Quantitative Methods” courses, each with a 5 SKS load, the time allocation for learning activities also aligns with the stipulated regulations.

The survey also found that most courses show alignment between the perceived study load by students and the stipulated SKS regulations. For example, for the “Public Policy Analysis” and “Public Planning and Budgeting” courses, the time allocation for learning activities is around 166 to 168 minutes per week, demonstrating alignment with academic regulations.

In conclusion, the survey results affirm that the student study load at the Master of Management and Public Policy Program, UGM, generally aligns with the stipulated SKS regulations. The implementation of the new curriculum for the 2023 cohort does not significantly add to the students’ burden, and the alignment between the perceived study load and the study load determined by academic regulations is well-maintained. This report provides a positive outlook on efforts to improve the quality of the learning process in the academic environment of UGM.

For more detailed information on the survey results and methodology, please refer to the full report available through the following link:


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