Gallery Walk: 2nd Semester Students Introduce Public Policy Innovation

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Students of the “Introduction to Public Management” course taught by Dr. Indri Dwi Apriliyanti in the second semester of the Department of Management and Public Policy, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Universitas Gadjah Mada, organized an event titled “Gallery Walk: Discovering Innovations At The Policy Nexus” at 09:00 in the West Corridor of FISIPOL UGM. This event was part of the final semester examination assignment presented publicly through posters and banners.

In this event, there were four groups of students, each working on a different theme related to innovation in public policy. Each group presented their work, reflecting a deep understanding and critical analysis of contemporary policy issues.

1. Blurring Boundaries: Work Life Balance and Unbounded Work

This group explored how the boundary between work and personal life is increasingly blurred in the digital era. They highlighted the importance of policies that support work-life balance and its impact on individual well-being and productivity.

2. Public Sector in FWA: It’s All About Deliverable Outcome

This group discussed workplace flexibility in the public sector with a focus on measurable outcomes. They demonstrated how the implementation of Flexible Working Arrangements (FWA) can improve the performance and effectiveness of public services, as well as the importance of outcome orientation in the application of these policies.

3. Generation Flex: Thriving in Agile Workspace

This theme addressed how the younger generation, known as “Generation Flex,” can thrive in agile and adaptive work environments. The group outlined various strategies and policies that can support the adaptation and success of the younger generation in dynamic workplaces.

4. Remote Freedom: Embracing Flexible Work for a New Era

The final group focused on remote work freedom as part of the new era of flexible work. They discussed the benefits and challenges of remote work and how public policies can accommodate the needs of workers who choose flexibility in their work location.

Visitors could walk around and directly discuss the presented topics with the students, providing feedback and enriching their understanding of public policy innovations.

Writer: Fahri
Photo: Fauzi

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