Inauguration of Professor Dr. Agus Heruanto Hadna: Encouraging Policy Innovation to Address Socio-Economic Inequality

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On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held the inauguration ceremony for Prof. Dr. Agus Heruanto Hadna, S.IP, M.Si as a Professor in public policy. The event took place in a hybrid format at the Balai Senat, Balairung UGM Rectorate Building.

The ceremony began with a brief biography of Prof. Dr. Agus Heruanto Hadna, who was born in Purwokerto in 1967. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at UGM, a master’s degree from UGM’s graduate program, and a doctoral degree from the Institute of Political and Social Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. In the last five years, Prof. Hadna has produced nine research studies, 42 journal publications, several books and book chapters, and five proceedings. He has also received the Satya Lancana Karya Satya award for 10 and 20 years of service from the President of the Republic of Indonesia and a 25-year loyalty award from UGM.

Following the biography reading, the event continued with the singing of the national anthem Indonesia Raya and the Gadjah Mada Hymn. The Chairperson of UGM’s Board of Professors then officially opened the inauguration ceremony, followed by the reading of the decree from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, which appointed Prof. Hadna as a Professor effective from June 1, 2023.

In his speech titled “Policy Innovation and Socio-Economic Inequality,” Prof. Hadna discussed how innovation in public policy can affect social and economic inequality. He highlighted that the development of digital technology has brought significant changes in the study of public policy. The Indonesian government has made efforts to encourage innovation by providing fiscal incentives and increasing the budget for digital infrastructure. However, the challenge faced is limited funding, especially for research and development.

Prof. Hadna explained that although innovation can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, there is still inequality in the distribution of its benefits. Data shows that the most innovative regions in Indonesia are Sumatra and Java, while Kalimantan and Papua are still lagging. Additionally, the contribution of the private sector to funding research and innovation in Indonesia is still relatively small compared to the public sector and higher education.

In concluding his speech, Prof. Hadna emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government, academics, and the private sector to promote inclusive and equitable innovation. He hopes that policy innovation will not only improve the welfare of a few groups but also reduce socio-economic inequality in society.

With this inspiring speech, Prof. Hadna was officially inaugurated as a Professor, adding to the distinguished academics at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at UGM. The event concluded with a joint prayer and congratulations from the attendees, marking a historic moment for Prof. Hadna and Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Agus Heruanto Hadna on this outstanding achievement. May he continue to inspire and make the best contributions to the development of public policy management science.

Writer: Fahri
Photo: Fahri, Fauzi

Download the speech file here

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