MKP Doctoral Program sets the direction of scientific studies that can be a guide for students to determine their dissertation topics, but this does not rule out the possibility of exploring other scientific aspects that are in accordance with the 3 focuses of study, namely public management, public policy, and publicness / publicity. Broadly speaking, the direction of the scientific study of the MKP S3 Study Program is as follows:
Public Policy | Public Management | Publicness |
Considering the diverse profile of students, the study program conducts a mandatory one-month matriculation program to provide an initial understanding of the basic theories of public administration science and basic research techniques.
(plagiarism, referensi)
This course aims to provide students with theoretical understanding in relation to the ontology, epistemology, and axiology of the study of Public Administration Science.
This course facilitates students to explore the basic principles and practices of qualitative and quantitative research that have been obtained during their undergraduate and graduate studies. Students will learn how to determine the focus of research based on the interpretation of empirical realities that are relevant to the fields of management and public policy, as well as those that have the potential to fill knowledge gaps. Therefore, students’ ability to literately build links between the empirical reality they study and relevant theories will be honed through learning activities in this course.
Public management theory is an interdisciplinary study of the general aspects of organizations, and is a combination of management functions such as planning, organizing and controlling on the one hand, with human resources, finance, physical, information and politics. This course helps students to understand concepts or approaches that explain managerial activities that take place in public sector organizations and public services.
This course is divided into three main subjects, which include an overview of public policy, Actors in the policy agenda; Principles and criteria in policy formulation; and Mapping and influence of stakeholders.
Accepted journal at least SINTA 2 or reputable international.
The process of planning, implementing, and evaluating learning in the S3 MKP Study Program uses a semester system. This system involves verbal, contextual, and analytical learning for 6 semesters. Lecture activities in the classroom use the tutorial method and assignment method, while research proposal preparation activities use the independent study method, where students can learn independently by emphasizing activeness in class discussions to accelerate dissertation proposals.
In order to accelerate the study, MKP S3 Study Program formed a mentorship team whose task is to provide assistance and monitoring of the dissertation writing process. The background of mentors is young lecturers or doctoral students who excel or master students who have just graduated.
Learning in the Doctoral PPM Study Program applies several learning models such as:
The collaborative learning model is designed to create a conducive academic climate that encourages students to articulate their ideas in class and collaborate with each other in solving a problem or issue that is assigned in the lecture. In the collaborative learning model, students are given the opportunity to speak, exchange different ideas and question the ideas of other class participants conceptually and empirically. As a result, the learning model produces students with strong and deep analytical skills. In addition, the collaboration model is carried out by sharing sessions with lecturers or students, also across study programs to strengthen cooperation in the academic environment.
It views self-directed learning as better than in-class learning. This model suggests that students look at the lecture material before the class starts. When the lecture takes place in class, the lecture is mostly filled with two-way discussion activities. With this approach, students have understood the teaching material before the class starts, so that the instructor can explore students' understanding more and help them with aspects that they do not understand well, especially in relation to their dissertation research.
This model emphasizes the achievement of students' expertise and competence to encourage novelty and master various research methods in the field of management and public policy. This model emphasizes the achievement of student expertise and competence to encourage novelty and master various research methods in the fields of management and public policy. Several workshops have been held, such as big data analysis training, SPSS or STATA training, NVivo, article writing, Systematic Literature Review method training, and writing bootcamp.
is a learning model that is oriented towards improving students' ability to conduct scientific research. Graduates of the S3 MKP Study Program are required to recognize and apply various research methods to analyze problems in the surrounding environment so that they can bring novelty. Therefore, the learning scheme with the research-based learning model is carried out by equipping students to use certain or current tools and methodologies in accordance with the interests and focus of dissertation research.
No | Lecturers | Expertise |
1 | Prof. Dr. Agus Pramusinto, MDA. | Public Sector Reform, Local Government, Decentralization |
2 | Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Kumorotomo, MPP. | Public Budgeting, Public Finance, Public Policy, Higher Educational Studies |
3 | Prof. Dr. Torontuan Keban Yeremias, MURP. | Public management, Human resources development, Strategic planning & management |
4 | Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si. | Policy innovation, Policy Formulation, Bureaucratic Reform |
5 | Prof. Dr. Muhadjir M. Darwin, MPA. | Corporate Social Responsibility, Population Studies, Gender Studies |
6 | Prof. Dr. Agus Heruanto Hadna, M.Si. | Corporate Social Responsibility, Policy Analysis, Public Service, Leadership |
7 | Dr. Suripto, MPA. | Public Private Partnership, Public Management, Education Policy, Public Finance. |
8 | Dr. Gabriel Lele, M.Si. | Corruption and Anti Corruption, Policy Making Process, Conflict Management. |
9 | Dr. Bevaola Kusumasari, M.Si. | Disaster Management, Disaster Communication, Disaster Mitigation, Public Policy and Big Data. |
10 | Dr. Subando Agus Margono, M.Si. | Public Organization, Public Governance, Citizenship. |
11 | Dr. AG. Subarsono, M.Si., M.A. | Regional Development, Decentralization. |
12 | Dr. Ambar Teguh Sulistiyani, M.Si. | Human Resource Management, Environmental management, Community Empowerment. |
13 | Dr. Ambar Widaningrum, M.A. | Tourism Governance, Public Services, Gender Studies, Social Policies. |
14 | Dr. Ario Wicaksono, M.Si. | Public sector organization reform, Policy transfer and learning, Policy entrepreneurship and innovation, Knowledge, evidence and politics in policy process |
15 | Dr. Puguh Prasetya Utomo, MPA. | Scenario-based strategic planning, Policy/program evaluation, Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). |
16 | Dr. Ely Susanto, MBA. | Human Resource Management, Public Administration Behaviour, Organizational Behaviour. |
17 | Dr. Erda Rindrasih, MURP. | Geography-Regional Development, Urban and Regional Planning, Tourism and International Development. |
18 | Dr. Indri Dwi Apriliyanti, MBA. | Corporate political activity, Political ties and business strategy, Bibliometric analysis (systematic literature review). |
19 | Dr. Media Wahyudi Askar, M.Sc. | Econometrics for Policy Evaluation, Financial Development, Poverty and Inequality, Fiscal Justice, Microfinance. |
20 | Dr. Muchtar Habibi, MA. | Labour Policy, Agricultural Policy, Political economy of development (rural and urban issues). |
21 | Dr. Nunuk Dwi Retnandari, M. Si. | Economy, Strategic Management. |
22 | Dr. Nurhadi Susanto, M.Hum. | Environmental Policy, Development Planning, Performance Indicator and Government Business Process. |
23 | Dr. Ratminto, M.Pol.Admin. | Public sector reform, Service management, Human resources management. |
24 | Dr. Samodra Wibawa, M.Sc. | Public policy, Local government, Administrative reform. |
25 | Dr. Yuyun Purbokusumo, M.Si. | Public Sector Innovation, Bureaucratic Reform, Agricultural Policy, E-Governance, Smart City. |
26 | Dr. Yuli Isnadi, MPA. | Internet Politics, Political Economy of Development (Polanyian Perspective). |